Good Friday Agreement Doomsday Clause

The agreement sets out a framework for the creation and number of institutions in three “parts.” 1. Participants reiterated their agreement in the procedural motion, adopted on 24 September 1997, that “the resolution of the decommissioning issue is an indispensable part of the negotiation process” and also recall the provisions of paragraph 25 of Part 1. 3. All participants reaffirmed their commitment to the complete disarmament of all paramilitary organizations. They also reaffirm their intention to continue to cooperate constructively and in good faith with the Independent Commission and to use their influence to secure the dismantling of all paramilitary weapons within two years of the approval of the Agreement, in the north and south, and as part of the implementation of the comprehensive regime. 7. The BIC generally operates by mutual agreement. With regard to decisions on common policies or common actions, including the means to implement them, it will work by mutual agreement of all members participating in these policies or actions. 4. All decisions are taken by mutual agreement between the two governments. Governments will make determined efforts to resolve disputes between them. There will be no exception to the sovereignty of either government.

4. Agenda of all meetings that must be settled by prior agreement between the two parties, but it will be open to either proposing a question for consideration or measures. 34. A citizens` advisory forum is set up. It will be made up of representatives from the business community, trade unions and the voluntary sectors, as well as other sectors agreed by the Prime Minister and the Deputy Prime Minister. It will act as an advisory mechanism on social, economic and cultural issues. The Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister will provide administrative support to the Citizens` Forum by appointment and set guidelines for the selection of representatives of the Citizens` Forum. 23. As a condition of appointment, ministers, including the Prime Minister and deputy prime minister, will reaffirm the conditions for a commitment by the Office (Annex A) to carry out effectively and in good faith all the functions to be entrusted to their duties. 12.

Any change in these provisions, in agreement with the Council and with the express approval of the Northern Ireland Assembly and the oireachtas, subject to the scope of the powers and responsibility of both administrations. The multi-party agreement is an agreement between the Uk government, the Irish government and most political parties in Northern Ireland. It defines the support of the signatory parties under the Anglo-Irish agreement and provides the framework for various political institutions. It is divided into three areas: (ii) recognise that it is up to the inhabitants of the island of Ireland to exercise their right to self-determination, in agreement between the two parties and without external hindrance, on the basis of freedom of consent, north and south, to achieve a united Ireland, if it is their wish, by accepting that this right be obtained and exercised with the approval and approval of a majority. The population of Northern Ireland; 14. Disagreements within the Council that must be dealt with in the format described in paragraph 3, paragraph iii), or in a whole format. By mutual agreement between the two parties, experts could be appointed to examine a given issue and report back. The agreement consists of two related documents, both agreed on Good Friday in Belfast on 10 April 1998: 5. The BIC will exchange information, discuss, consult and do its best to reach agreement on cooperation on issues of mutual interest within the jurisdiction of the relevant administrations.