WHERE EBELN – EKET-EBELN (or your internal table) AND THE LIVRAISON CONTRAT is a long-term sales contract with the seller, in which a seller is required to deliver equipment on pre-established terms. Details of the delivery date and the amount communicated to the creditor in the form of the delivery plan. It was in KONP, but there is no link sign for each delivery plan. VBAK – get VBAP article details for these vbeln. Then with this non condition game and the article chk the konP table. Try so, I hope the planning details are stored in the VBEP table, then get the vbeln from there and get the status data record I don`t need to retrieve the packaging types of the delivery plan. Contract The contract is a draft contract, and they do not contain delivery dates for the equipment. The contract is of two types: I want BAPI for this. I just need a query between tables.
How can I see a list of appointment agreements that have outstanding quantities (i.e. are not fully delivered by the supplier) for which the delivery due date (probably for delivery of the supplier) falls on or before the planning period of the corresponding schedule agreement equipment (we only have one hardware per schedule agreement) The framework agreement is a long-term sales contract between Kreditor and Debitor. > > sap.ittoolbox.com/r/hdr.asp?r=10424> > archive: ittoolbox.com/hrd.asp?i=920> > > Thankyou Carlos,> > I looked at this transaction, but I can`t see where the fence > planning is and so I can`t know what a fixed OP is and > what a prognosis is??? > > Thank you> > Andy Hartley> > > > > `———`—————————->>` “Carlos Carvalho-> on `>` sap-r3-log-mm” `>` – penitx.com> `>` Sent by: Carlos `>` Carvalho `>` `>` – > – > – 24/10/2003 15:17:17`> Please reply > to sap-r3-log-> > |———+—————————->> >——————————————————————————————————————————|> | |> | To: “andy.hartle… `>` cc: `>` Subject: [sap-r3-log-mm] Re: Schedule Agreements `>`> `> >—————————————————————————————————————————— > > > > > Read the most popular SAP market analysis document.> sap.ittoolbox.com/r/hdr.asp?r=10424> > Archives: ittoolbox.com/hrd.asp?i=920> > Hello,> > You can use the ME3L transaction and selection settings> WE101.> > Greetings,> > Carlos Carhoval> > > most popular sap market.> > sap.ittoolbox.com/r/hdr.asp?r=10424> >> > archive: ittoolbox.com/hrd.asp?i=920> >> >> > outstanding quantities> (i.e. > > is not fully supplied to us by the supplier), where the delivery date> > (delivery date from the supplier to us) on or before the planning period > > for the corresponding calendar material (we only > > > a material by schedule agreement) > >> > thank you, thanks to all the tips , which you can offer> >> > thanks> >> > Andy Hartley> >> > IT Manager> > Service Valeo (UK) Ltd > >. 01527 510 755> > “This e-mail message is intended only for the use of the recipient > > intent.> > The information it contains may be confidential or privileged. and> > its disclosure or reproduction is strictly prohibited.> > If you are not the intended recipient, please return it immediately to its sender>> > at the address above and destroy it. “> >> >> >> > -Archive: www.OpenITx.com/g/sap-r3-log-mm.asp> > -Manage subscriptions: My.ITtoolbox.com> > `Leave Group: mailto:leave-sap-r3-log-mm@openitx.com> > `Need for subscription help? mailto:Listmaster@ITtoolbox.com> > – Terms of Use: www.ittoolbox.com/help/termsofuse.htm> > -Copyright (c) ITtoolbox and post-author.