This directive describes when and how workers are insured in the event of compensation when they engage in trade union activities. Once the declaration is established under the law, a right to an accident that occurs during union business is decided on the basis of the relevant law and WCB guidelines. The increase is not deducted from the worker`s wage benefits until the increase gives the worker more than 100% of his or her real net income. All CUPE members work under the protection of a collective agreement called a collective agreement. Your local union negotiates the terms of the agreement. Elected local union leaders also work with the employer to resolve workplace issues. If you want a copy of your collective agreement on paper, talk to your trustee. If you don`t know who your administrator is or how to contact your office, contact the CUPE office near you. It is important to note that ancillary benefits are deducted from the worker`s earnings only if ancillary benefits and lost wage benefits exceed 100% of the worker`s actual net loss of wages. Supplementary benefits to workers` allowances as a direct consequence of workplace injury are either deducted from the worker`s loss of wages or are considered the worker`s wages after the injury. It depends on whether or not the benefits are taxable. It is important to ensure that the combination of benefits does not trigger more than 100% of the actual net loss of the worker`s salary. If you have questions about your rights in the workplace, the best person you can talk to is your steward or local leader.
You will know the details of your agreement. In unionized employment, union members and elected public servants are regularly required to deal with union policy matters. Subject to the provisions of the collective agreement or other labour agreements, the employer may pursue wages, continue pay followed by reimbursement by the union or grant unpaid leave. In some cases, the union may pay the salary (or a salary equivalent) directly to the employee. In other cases, the worker participates as an unpaid “volunteer.”