Portuguese Orthographic Agreement

This is why the signing of the agreement has been significantly delayed in Portugal. Mr. Anébal Cavaco Silva, President of Portugal, signed on 27 July 2008. Brazil ratified the second amendment protocol in October 2004 and immediately began the transition process. Since January 1, 2009, only the new spelling in Brazil can be used, taught and published. Portugal required a transitional period of six years during which the two spellings (new and former Portuguese spelling) would coexist (De Moura Neves 2010, p. 89-97). This means that Portugal could exclusively use the new spelling in 2014. It can be concluded that the 1990 spelling agreement is still being introduced, but it is neither welcomed nor well received in some Portuguese-speaking regions. Over time, the Lisbon Academy of Sciences and the Brazilian Academy of Letters have made successive attempts to establish a common spelling between the two countries. The first agreement was reached in 1931; However, as the vocabulary published in 1940 (Portugal) and 1943 (Brazil) continued to contain some discrepancies, a new meeting took place, creating the 1945 spelling agreement.

This agreement was adopted in Portugal by decree 35.288/45 law. [2] In Brazil, the 1945 convention was approved by Decree 8.286/45, but it was never ratified by the National Congress and repealed by Law 2.623/55, which brought Brazilians into compliance with the rules of the 1943 agreement. This makes two legal spelling standards, two official systems: one in Brazil, known as Brazilian Portuguese, the other in Portugal and the other Portuguese-speaking countries, known as European or Portuguese Portuguese. Portuguese is the second most popular Romance language in the world with some 240 million lophones (Monteiro-Plantin et al. 2010, p. 94). It is an official language in Portugal, Brazil, Cape Verde, Angola, Mozambique, Guinea-Bissau, East Timor, Macau and Sao Tomé and Principe. In addition, it enjoys co-official status in Equatorial Guinea and a significant cultural presence in Goa, India (Da Silva et al. 2009, p.

219). Portuguese is the only Romance language that works with two different spellings (Fragoso 2009, p. 3). There is Brazilian spelling, which is used exclusively in Brazil, and Lusophon orthohography which is used in all other Portuguese language fields. These circumstances have been a cause of political and cultural conflicts over the past two centuries, particularly between Brazil and Portugal, although there have been several approaches to the unification of the two spellings, a complete orthographic association has never been achieved. Brazil was never consulted on the 1911 orthographic reform and therefore did not accept it. In the following decades, negotiations were held between the representatives of Brazil and Portugal with the intention of agreeing on a uniform spelling for Portuguese, but progress has been slow. In 1931, Portugal and Brazil finally signed an orthographic agreement on the basis of which Brazil established its own official spelling in 1938.

The orthographic agreement was forged with the aim of strengthening the Portuguese language in order to prevent Portuguese dialects from being distinguished in separate languages and, finally, the segmentation of each of the Portuguese-speaking countries if differences in the written language persist. This is a uniform spelling of words between countries where the Portuguese language is officially spoken, although there are still country-specific words and phrases. For example, in English, the differences in British and American spelling, such. B as “center” (UK) and “center” (USA), would no longer have two spellings, but the different sentences or idiomatic words expressed in each culture remain the same.